Wednesday, March 12, 2025

How Joe Biden can tackle the world crisis

America has been saved. The Republic has been saved. Treatment of the nation may begin now that totalitarian populism has been defeated and the adults are returning.

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Noah Fisher
After serving as a lead author in leading magazines, Noah Fisher planned to launch its own venture as DailyResearchEditor. With a decade-long work experience in the media and passion in technology and gadgets, he founded this website. Fisher now enjoys writing on research-based topics. When he’s not hunched over the keyboard, Fisher spends his time engulfed in critical matters of the society.
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Washington, DC: America has been saved. The Republic has been saved. Treatment of the nation may begin now that totalitarian populism has been defeated and the adults are returning. Today the story revolves around the opening of Joe Biden. It would not be more wrong. Biden-supporting vocal elites pose a more serious threat to the American Republic than Donald Trump. Behind the restoration of normalcy today, the new world trembles.

Hyperbole is cranked up to 10 by today’s opening. America is talked about as if he were a patient recovering from a battle of insanity. Trump had the disease, Biden is the cure. An anchor from CNN described the lights running along with the reflecting pool at the National Mall in Washington DC, an ‘expansion of America embracing Ra Joe Biden’s weapons.’ British Labor Party politician Lisa Nandy is happily celebrating the fact that a pilot ‘wok man’ and of a powerful woman of color ‘- cramps – are now in the White House, providing the world with a source of hope’ is. Praise be!

One of the most common cries of the vast pro-Biden lobby is that ‘adult people are back in charge. You can also buy a Biden-Harris T-shirt that says ‘Arrival for Adults.’ ‘Adult people come here, says the New Republic. This supports the fact that Biden and his cabinet are all non-experienced and non-controversial ‘(boring?), Meaning they can help restore American democracy and heal a confused, divided world.

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This metaphor of adults re-entering the room is an expose. Votes for Trump in 2016, such as the same year vote for Brexit in Britain, are clearly seen by the managerial elite as an anger mechanism, an outburst of anger among overvalued children. The ‘low-informed’ voters elected the president of the status low-status, and the result was a catastrophe. So now ‘adults’ – expert classes, well-educated coastal élites, people who declare their pronouns and use all the right racial terminology – must reuse their authority. This vision of being reprimanded by Biden, Harris, and the rest of the children speaks of an incredibly disgusting view of democracy when results do not go our way ’.

All the talk of healing and restoration and return to adulthood gives the impression of Joe Biden defeating Donald Trump in a grand battle to preserve America’s soul. The truth is very different. Trump was undeniably an oafish president, deliberately, cocky about the constitution, disinterested with the founding American doctrine of freedom of speech, and given to destructive behavior and polymorphisms that did little to help those working classes Those who voted for him, but a lot of garbage in America’s standing.

And yet for all the experience of Joe Biden, for all of his distinguished diplomacy, for all his uniquely Trump presidency, he – and more importantly the elite who secure and support his presidency – are American Threatens to highlight the values ​​and qualities of the Republic. Trump did much more than this.

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Right now, there is the elephant in the room in all of America’s discussions: last year’s riot. Whoever raised it is accused of diverting attention from the Capitol’s trivial, anti-democratic storm by a pro-Trump crowd on 6 January, accusing WhatsApp. But it is essential, necessary, indeed, to reflect on the disturbing events of 2020. Not only to reiterate how violent they were or to state that they caused more destruction and loss of life than the mob in the Capitol but also to find out what they represent; What ideas did he give violent expression; He revealed to us the liberal nobles who are in charge of America till date.

This riot, those weeks and weeks of violent destruction, was a fusion of the nobles’ politics with the outrage of some sections of society. The trigger for the catastrophe could have been the killing of George Floyd by the police in Minneapolis. Still, the whole idea of ​​fuel America was accompanied by a bourgeois sense of exhaustion. Street violence is driven by violent expressions of contempt for the increasingly angry police ideals and the assassination of the American Republic’s very founder. This is why the apology of the riot and the cultural elite for it is essential: because they confirmed that there has been an erosion of trust in the American project in various sections of American society, including at the top of it.

Of course, ever since the United States was founded in 1776, there have been tensions and failures and conflicts. The American project often wanted to prove it; The New World appeared hollow, an exercise in rhetoric rather than real, concrete political equality. And yet, 2020 was different. The last few years have been other. We have seen in our time not an expression of desperation with a slow or partial realization of American values, but questions the entire points of America. An intellectual crusade, no less, overturned our understanding of when America was founded and what it was set up to do.

Consider the project initiated by the New York Times, the biblical of liberal elites, to redefine America’s founding date as 1619 rather than 1776. That is, this country was born when the slaves arrived, not when the revolutionaries declared independence. It was founded in sin, not virtue. It was founded in the horrors of the old world (exploitation, slavery, tyranny) and not because of the new values (values, freedom, democracy). This republic-upgrade project has had an extraordinary impact on cultural consciousness and also in the education system. And it helped fuel last year’s riots: witness how protesters wrote ‘1619’ on the statues of America’s founders and heroes.

Redefining America as a continuation of the Old World rather than the first cry of the New World is gaining momentum in the academic, media and cultural sphere. It is now common to portray America as a nation driven by experiences of slavery and racism. It was established to secure the slave-owning rights of the colonists, we reported. Its subsequent civil war was not really an attempt to end slavery, but to discover new ways to suppress and exploit African-Americans. Even the Thirteenth Amendment that abolished slavery in America is now seen as an underhand attempt to enslave black people in a new way through the prison system. This revisionism comes courtesy of a film distributed by Netflix, that bastion of the Vok elites.

The founders of America have been redefined as racists, merely presenting themselves as slave-owners, revolutionaries. The buildings that are named after him have been renamed. In last year’s riots, statues of George Washington were topped. Abraham Lincoln too. The values ​​of the American republic are being continually expanded by Martin Luther King and others by rehabilitating new racial thinking elites. His myopic identity, his obsession with ‘white privilege’, the introduction of critical race theory into workplaces and places of education – all highlight the promise of equality inherent in the founding of America, which would threaten to change the cry of the New World is. Men are equated with the insistence of mobilizing people according to their ethnic identity and placing them on the privileged/oppressed charts.

The founding rights of the American Republic have also taken a turn. He has undoubtedly always disapproved of the Second Amendment. They have now repealed the Thirteenth Amendment. He would then come to the world’s clearest guarantor first for freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

During the Trump era, dangerous dissolution was claimed to be used to rebut America’s founding principle of free expression. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has already won the Playdate for her insistence that the media should be restrained. He said that lawmakers should find out how we rein in our media environment so that you cannot just get disinfection and misinformation. This would, of course, be a blatant violation of the provision of the First Amendment, which would give Congress no law, which is repealing the freedom to speak, or the freedom of the press.

Meanwhile, humorist Sarah Silverman says the First Amendment will need to be ‘ic modified’ to ensure that the amendment is not given free expression of dangerous ideas. Imagine if Trump spoke of amending the ‘First Amendment.’ There would be uproar. But among those who share America’s new foundational consensus, who say that America’s very foundation is questionable and its constitutional guarantee of freedom is dangerous, it is okay to imagine tearing down the bill of rights.

Washington tore, 1776 erased, First Amendment problem, Civil War misrepresented, New World ideal of equality trashed by new forms of rigid racial thinking … and still, the prevailing nobility to claim The nerve is that it is the Trumpists who threaten to bring America down. The truth is that it is allegedly a ‘liberal’ establishment that now openly propagates a loss of confidence in the American project and whose political excesses threaten America to undermine successes in the freedom and equality given to the world. His depressive historical revisionism, from neo-racialism to his canceled culture, his growing preference for technique over democracy, is anti-Trump, whose ideology is glued to the foundations of the American Republic.

It is not difficult to say that Trump is without guilt in the process. On the contrary, he was instrumental in accelerating the aristocratic turn against the New World’s ideals. Trump helped make things worse by introducing rhetoric against excess excesses without creating institutional or intellectual tools to preserve and celebrate American virtues. They angered the cultural elite and incited them to carry out occasional rude attacks on their freedom to speak and historical memory, while failing to create an organizational structure that would have retreated from such attacks. Trump was a tool too blunt to be able to withdraw the new crusade against the American project.

The birth of America was a unique event in human history. It was the first nation established in the values ​​of freedom and equality. It was called the new world because it was the new world. Hannah Arendt wrote that the rep [american] republican right would be protected as long as the act itself, as it is promised, is remembered. But this work, that beginning, is no longer recognized for its promise, but somewhat misunderstood as a malleable exercise in preserving the old world power.

And therefore, the right of the Republic is not protected. Not because of the breakdown of the Trump years, but because of the elite’s moral and political exhaustion replacing Amps. Biden is a part of these nobles; He speaks their language; He proceeds decently, considers racial classification, and emphasizes the idea of freedom of speech. Anyone who thinks of today’s inauguration represents a restoration of the American ideal. In many ways, it means the opposite.

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