Thursday, October 17, 2024

PM Netanyahu discharged from hospital after successful pacemaker installation

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Noah Fisher
After serving as a lead author in leading magazines, Noah Fisher planned to launch its own venture as DailyResearchEditor. With a decade-long work experience in the media and passion in technology and gadgets, he founded this website. Fisher now enjoys writing on research-based topics. When he’s not hunched over the keyboard, Fisher spends his time engulfed in critical matters of the society.
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Prime Minister Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was released from the Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan on Monday morning following successful operation. was released from the Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan on Monday morning after undergoing the installation of a pacemaker on Sunday. Doctors had deemed the procedure necessary following a potentially life-threatening “transient heart block” that Netanyahu experienced.

Video footage captured the Prime Minister’s convoy leaving the medical facility at approximately 8:20 a.m. on Monday. Shortly after his discharge, Netanyahu proceeded to the Knesset, where lawmakers were in the midst of voting on the coalition’s proposal to curtail judicial review over government and ministerial decisions, sparking heated debates across the nation.

While reports varied in the extent of rest recommended by doctors, the hospital spokesperson emphasized that the specific details of Netanyahu’s discharge instructions would remain confidential. In a video message from his hospital room on Sunday night, the Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to well-wishers and medical staff, assuring the public that he was doing well and fully engaged in the legislative process.

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The urgency for the pacemaker arose when a subcutaneous heart monitor, implanted a week before the procedure, detected a serious health risk and promptly alerted medical authorities. Consequently, Netanyahu was immediately hospitalized and underwent the pacemaker implantation.

Doctors, who had previously assured the public of the Premier’s heart being “completely normal” during his earlier hospitalization last week, admitted to having identified irregularities in an electrocardiogram test at that time.

The pacemaker installation and subsequent events have occurred amid intense political debates concerning the coalition’s proposal to restrict courts from exercising judicial review over the “reasonableness” of governmental and ministerial decisions.

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Netanyahu’s swift recovery from the medical intervention has provided him with the resolve to continue his political efforts, emphasizing that he would join his colleagues in the Knesset to advance the legislative agenda.

As the Prime Minister resumes his duties after this health scare, the nation watches closely to see how the political landscape unfolds amid ongoing discussions surrounding the proposed judicial overhaul.

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