Monday, September 16, 2024

Israeli Report Details Alleged Systematic Sexual Violence by Hamas During October Attacks

The report, which describes "identical patterns" of sexual violence at multiple locations, accuses Hamas of committing "systematic and intentional" sexual crimes, including violent rapes conducted collectively or in front of audiences

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A damning report released by the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel (ACCRI) has shed light on the horrifying extent of sexual violence allegedly perpetrated by Hamas gunmen during the October attacks in southern Israel.

The report, which describes “identical patterns” of sexual violence at multiple locations, accuses Hamas of committing “systematic and intentional” sexual crimes, including violent rapes conducted collectively or in front of audiences.

The 7 October attacks saw hundreds of gunmen from the Palestinian armed group infiltrate southern Israel, resulting in the deaths of about 1,200 people and the hostage-taking of 253 others. In response, Israel launched a military campaign in Gaza, resulting in further casualties.

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Reports of sexual violence by Hamas began to emerge soon after the attacks and have since accumulated steadily.

A senior Israeli police officer testified to British MPs, citing “clear evidence” collected from forensic investigations and witness statements, defining the scale of sexual crimes as a crime against humanity.

The ACCRI report consolidates much of the reported information, highlighting brutal acts of violent rape directed towards injured women, often involving threats with weapons.

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Many incidents occurred collectively, with collaboration among the perpetrators, and some were conducted in front of audiences to increase humiliation.

The report also details the mutilation and brutal attack on victims’ sexual organs, indicating a pattern of identical actions across various attack zones, including the Nova festival, homes in kibbutzim and villages near the Gaza border, and Israeli military bases.

Survivors of the Nova festival reported instances of gang rapes, while first responders and body collectors witnessed signs of sexual violence on women and girls in border communities.

Additionally, information from released hostages suggests ongoing abuse in captivity, an allegation denied by Hamas.

Israeli officials have been cautious in discussing these reports publicly, citing respect for the families affected. However, they emphasize awareness of the situation.

The ACCRI has submitted its findings to the UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, urging action.

In response, several independent UN experts expressed concern about reports of violence against Palestinian women and girls in Gaza and the West Bank. Israel rejected these allegations as “despicable and unfounded.”

The report by ACCRI leaves no room for denial or disregard, highlighting the urgent need for accountability and justice in addressing these egregious violations.

As investigations continue, the world watches closely, demanding accountability for the victims and condemning all forms of sexual violence in conflict zones.


This article was created using automation technology and was thoroughly edited and fact-checked by one of our editorial staff members

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